12 Contemporary Jazz Etudes is written by the world-renowned jazz composer, arranger, saxophonist, bandleader, educator, and...
Created for a wide variety of musicians, 12 Medium-Easy Jazz, Blues & Funk Etudes will appeal to both aspiring players and...
Written for a wide variety of musicians, 15 Easy Jazz, Blues & Funk Etudes will appeal to both aspiring players and to more...
This is the ultimate resource for studying the work of Oscar Peterson! Nearly 40 full transcriptions of songs by this jazz...
Playing on the Changes features 13 jazz etudes through the various chord qualities found in standards and jazz tunes in all...
Contents:Alla maniera di CarmenAlla maniera [di opus 17 No 4] di Chopin DetailsPublisher: SikorskiPublication Date:...
Price: $12.95